Friday, August 8, 2008

It's been ages...

Since ANYONE posted ANYTHING here... XD

The previous post being about our supposed 'Reunion'? By Faiz right?

Well... I don't need to tell you guys that didn't really work out XD

Can't really call it much of a reunion since less than 1/3 of the class turned up =.=" (did we even reach 1/4? XD) I thought the attendance could reach 50%... Well guess we're all wrong some time in our life~


Like I was saying...

It's been a long time :)

And frankly... I don't know if any of you regularly check this site anymore XD

It's a shame to admit it... but I don't check this blog daily =.="

Wonder how everyone is doing?

I would ask everyone to leave a comment on your current status... but experience tells me (there were QUITE a few post with that intent clearly expressed... yet I don't recall getting much of a response LOL) that probably won't work out either...


Just a small update on my part~

But you guys probably visit MY blog more often than you do THIS blog... not that I blame you XD

ICA (In Course Assessement) which is 12.5% of my current semester grade is coming up in less than 2 weeks (Yen Xi, Ee Laine, Daphne... I hope you guys are prepared :D)... kind of stressing me out...

Especially seeing all these nerds in IMU hitting the libraries and MMS (actually stands for Medical Museum Session... but it's used to refer to the Medical Museum itself)...

Well... what do you expect from a bunch of medical students?

There's so much to learn.. and so little time to do it~

Can't really believe I'm a 2nd year medical student already O.o

I've said I dreaded the extremely long 5 years course... (or 5.5 if I go Down Under)... but now it seems....

5 years isn't all that long a time...

At the END of it... I'm going to start practicing medicine O.o



But let's put that thought on hold and concentrate on surviving medical school first ^^

Faiz will be leaving for UK soon (if Petronas manages to settle all that dust)...

Janice is leaving for UK again next week!

Joshur will be leaving in September...

I don't know about Grace, Jonathan and Chin Ung (did I leave anyone out)?

The Indians (well... not exactly LOL) are heading back sometime in August yes?

I think I recall Aaron asking me to organise a reunion for you guys...

Well.. sorry but I think I'll have to pass on taking up that responsibility :)

Not because I'm busy or anything...

But I'm a little tired of planning things for the moment :)

So can someone else take that up?

It would be much appreciated~

Urm.. anything else I want to say?


Oh.. it's a pity we hardly did anything together while you were back Janice >.<"

I think I only met you twice during your entire stay O.o

Hope you'll have a great trip in... Scandinavia was it?


Saw some news about MIC (Medical Council of India) having doubts about Manipal's worthiness as a medical institution... something about the clinical facilities being not adequate...

Guess that won't have such a great effect on you guys (the Indians) since I don't think you'll end up practicing medicine over there?

Well.. let us know how it goes~ Since I'm sure the news over there is more up to date :D

For those who don't know...

Today is the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympics!

Seems there's a lot of hype in the matter :D

Heck.. even I'm a little excited to watch it :)

The fireworks display promises to be one helluva spectacle (who invented the fireworks? XD)

And the cultural performances sound promising :)

It starts at 8pm by the way! Malaysian time :)

To be exact....

08/08/08, 08:08:08pm

Now THAT'S some date ;)

(I read somewhere it's the 8th on the lunar calender too... crazy)

Enjoy the show! :)

And hopefully you guys actually read this before the Olympics is over :D
