Saturday, May 31, 2008

greetings from manchester!

Hey people! As promised, I shall post something short here, now that I have time in my hands :)
Looks like all we PM3-ians are scattered around the world, huh? In umph, 3 different continents, across many time zones. I'm anticipating the reunion already, I'm sure we will have so much to share, experiences culminated from living in different cultures the past year.

Sometimes, I still can't believe it has been almost a year since we use to roam Taylor's College's corridors, walking from class to class, fiddling around in the lab, cramming for A levels, standing outside the guardhouse making up our minds on where to have lunch. How time does fly, for most of us, we're done with first year uni , gasp!

What's most important is that no matter how far we are, how busy we are with life, we must stay in contact and meet up every once in a while just to catch up. So, to all of you making it for the reunion, see you!! :)))


1 comment:

ChaosGenesis said...

haha.. indeed... i tink anth manchesterian owes us a post no? :P

haha.. yeah i noe watcha mean :D

hmm.. reunion... stil havem got d details ironed out ... i nd more suggetions :)

act... it seems like such along time ago... wen we did all dat :)


yeah! done wid 1st year uni! pretty scarry leh...

indeed :)

cya soon miss jans ;)